

An alias tag is equivalent to the aliased tag it's based on.
The source tag (Antecedent) points to the target tag (Consequent).


Limit the amount of tags returned
limit =
Range: [ 0 , 320 ] 0 -> 320 0 ≤ limit ≤ 320 (Default: 75)
Page X of the list of results
page =
Range: [ 0 , 750 ] 0 -> 750 0 ≤ page ≤ 750
ABSyntax available.
Ids of the requested aliases
search[id] =
Supplying a comma separated list of Alias Ids
results in all valid aliases being returned.
Matches for tag names
search[name_matches] =
Matches both the Source & Target tag.
Wildcards ( * ) available.
Antecedent tag, the pointer
search[antecedent_name] =
Search via the Source tags name.
Consequent tag, the pointed to
search[consequent_name] =
Search via the Target tags name.
Order of the results returned
search[order] =
Amount of posts an alias was used in.
Last time an alias was updated.
Time of alias creation.
of an alias. (Default)
of an alias.
Status of the alias
search[status] =
Returns Queued, Processing & Active aliases.
(Default) Match any
for review.
for processing.
for activation.
Category of the aliased tags
search[antecedent_tag][category] =
search[consequent_tag][category] =
Search for tags with a specific Tag Category.
